As some of you may or may not know, your browser gives certain tidbits of information away, as you browse the internet. Some people would be unnerved to think of that fact, but really, it helps the internet work for you. Some information that is given away would be: the type of browser your using, your operating system, and your IP address. We can go deeper, but I'll leave it at that.
Well, if you haven't noticed, I keep a site tracker at the bottom of my blog that tracks the amount of users who visit. I get an email every friday of that weeks amount of visitors. It's easy to identify the trends, I get more viewers when I post more, and less when I post less. More visitors visit a post in my blog from a google search, than they do visiting the blog page. Most blogs have this kind of feature, because most people want to know if they have anyone visiting them at all.
Last night as I was messing with my tracker, I learned a couple more statistics that the free one I have provides me. I thought some of them were interesting, and so I'm sharing them with you below.
The first one here show's the percentage of what people use which browser. It's nice to see that a lot of you use firefox which I think is the most secure browser anyone can use. I'm not surprised to see that another big percentage of you are using Internet Explorer. You kind of have no choice considering it comes pre-packaged with Microsoft Windows.
The last thing I'm going to share with you, is the type of OS that most of you are using. I'm not surprised to find that the general population is using windows xp. We've had that OS for a long time now, but we really haven't had anything to make people want to move on. Vista was an utter failure, which is why I'm guessing it only has 1% of people using it. I am surprised at how many people are still on windows NT. That was an amazing operating system, one of the best, but the support for it dropped a long time ago. The 3rd most popular OS on there says other. By other I'm guessing that could be different distributions of Linux.
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